Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Roman Gods and Goddesses

The Romans believed in many different gods. They worshiped different gods for different events going on in their lives. The Pantheon was a famous temple in Rome that was dedicated to the gods. Many people would go here to pray to the gods.  The Romans believed in these gods up until 312 AD when the Emeperor Constantine converted the entire empire to Christianity.

Here are a few of the Roman Gods:
Some of the main Roman Gods
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Vatican Museums,
Vatican City
Vatican Museums,
Vatican City
Capitoline Museums,
He was the master of the gods and the main god of the Romans. In his hand he held thunderbolts which he could hurl from the sky.
She was the wife of Jupiter, the goddess of women and fertility. Her symbols were a pomegranate and a peacock.
He was the god of war, the strongest and most fearsome god, except for Jupiter.
She was the goddess of love and beauty.
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Vatican Museums,
Vatican City
Vatican Museums,
Vatican City
Vatican Museums,
Vatican City
She was the goddess of wisdom, learning, art crafts and industry. Her symbol was the owl.
He was the powerful god of the sea. His symbol was the trident.
She was the goddess of the harvest, always depicted carrying a bundle of grain.
He was the blacksmith of the gods and a god of the underworld. If he stoked his furness too hard volcanos might erupt. He was the god of blacksmiths and volcanos.
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Vatican Museums,
Vatican City
Vatican Museums,
Vatican City
Vatican Museums,
Vatican City
She was the goddess of hunting and a goddess of the moon.
He was the god of wine and partying. Naturally, he was one of Rome's most popular gods.
He was the messenger of the gods. the wings on his helmet and sandals allowed him to travel very quickly to wherever a god might send him. He was the god of travellers and tradesmen.
She was the goddess of the hearth and home. She was very important to Romans. In her temple a flame was always kept burning as in the 'hearth of Rome' the flame should never go out.
***got the picture with the information from http://www.roman-empire.net/children/gods.html

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