Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Roman Republic

After the reign of the seven kings, the people of Rome revolted and created the Roman Republic. In the early days the the republic, it was mainly run by patricians. Plebians insisted upon being represented and therefore got to elect their own representatives. The highest positions in the Republic were the two consuls. These two men ruled the Roman Republic and were always members from the highest class.
During the Republic, men that lived in the city got to vote, had to pay taxes, and sent men to fight in the Roman army. This helped Rome win many battles. One thing that the Roman Republic did was write down the laws in the public square for all of the citizens to see. Even the laws were harsh, it was a way to punish the citizens fairly based on the crimes they committed. The Roman Republic lasted from 510 BC to 27BC. The fall of the Roman Republic happened when Augustus was appointed the first emperor.

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